Privacy Policy


The following general information about this website is being provided in compliance with the information obligations from Spanish Law 34/2002 of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (Ley 34/2002 de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y el Comercio Electrónico).

The owner of this website (the “Website”) is servicios logisticos hospitalarios, which is a company with tax identification number B86845948, registered in the Madrid Commercial Register in Volume 61362, Book 0, Page 133, Section 8, Sheet M-569200. The company’s representative is Begoña

Fernandez Sierra, and its contact details are:

Postal address: Cl. Manuel Tovar, 24

Contact telephone: +34913767111

Contact email: [email protected]


These terms and conditions apply to: the Website.

The purpose of these general terms and conditions of use (the “Terms of Use”) is to provide a set of rules regarding access to and use of the Website. For purposes of these Terms of Use, the Website is understood to mean: the static and dynamic external appearance of the graphical user interfaces, i.e., the navigation tree; all of the elements integrated into the graphical user interfaces and navigation tree (the “Contents”); and all services and online resources offered to users of the Website (the “Services” and the “Users”, respectively).

lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices reserves the right to modify, at any time and with no need for notice in advance, the appearance and configuration of the Website and of all the Contents and Services it incorporates. The Users acknowledge and accept that, at any time, lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices may interrupt, deactivate and/or remove any of those elements integrated into the Website, or may deny access to any of them.

The Users have unrestricted access to the Website, and as a general rule, there is no cost for the Users to make use of the Website and no need to provide anything in exchange, except in relation to any telecommunication costs charged to the Users by their Internet service providers.

It is also is possible that the Users will have to sign up or register in order to make use of some of the Website’s Contents or Services.

The Users

The status of Users is understood to apply to all persons who visit, navigate at, or make use of the Website or any of the spaces provided there for interaction among the Users, or between the Users and lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices, as well as those who make use of the comments section and/or blogging spaces. This means that simply by visiting the Website for the first time, the Users have accepted all of the Terms of Use established here, as well as all subsequent amendments to them, while also being subject to compliance with all related laws and regulations of mandatory application. Given the importance of the contents above, it is recommended that the Users should read those contents each time they visit the Website.

The Website of lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices provides a wide variety of information, services, and data. The Users accept responsibility for making proper use of the Website.

That responsibility must be understood to cover:

  • The obligation to use the information, Contents and/or Services, and data offered by lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices only in a manner that remains in compliance with these Terms of Use, the applicable laws, generally accepted standards of morality, and the need to protect the public order, while avoiding any form of use that could cause harm to the rights of third parties or to the functioning of the Website.
  • The truthfulness and lawfulness of all information the Users enter into the online forms provided by lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices, in order to access certain Contents or Services offered via the Website. Under all circumstances, the Users must immediately notify lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices about any event that could allow improper use of the information entered into those forms, including but not limited to theft, misplacement, or unauthorised access to any usernames and/or passwords, so that they can be immediately cancelled.

lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices reserves the right to remove any comments or other contributions that infringe the law or fail to respect the right to personal dignity, or that are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, spam, harmful to minors, or harmful to the public order or public safety, or any that, in the opinion of lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices, are not appropriate for publication.

lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices accepts no liability, under any circumstances, for opinions expressed by the Users via the comment sections or blogging tools, or while interacting with the Website in any other way.

Visiting the Website does not produce or imply any form of commercial relationship between lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices and the Users.

To the extent permissible by the legislation in force, this Website of lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices is intended for use by all persons who are able to access and/or navigate at the various pages it contains, regardless of their age.

The Website is primarily intended for Users who are residents of Spain, and lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices cannot provide any assurance that the Website, or any part of it, complies with the legislation existing in other countries. If the Users reside in or are domiciled in another location and decide to access and/or navigate at the Website, they must do so under their own liability, and must ensure that all such access and navigation complies with all applicable local legislation, with lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices accepting no liability that could arise in relation to that access.


lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices offers no representations or warranties regarding the continuity or availability of the Website, Contents, or Services, or regarding their fitness for any purpose. lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices undertakes to do everything possible to ensure proper functioning of the Website, but it accepts no liability and offers no representations or warranties in relation to the Website offering uninterrupted access or being free of errors.

lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices also accepts no liability, and offers no representations or warranties, with regard to any Contents or software accessible via this Website being free of errors or free of any possibility of harming or damaging the Users’ IT systems (software and hardware). Under no circumstances will lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices accept liability for any harm, losses, or damage of any type that could arise from accessing, navigating at, or using the Website, including but not limited to any caused to the Users’ IT systems, or any caused by introduction of malware.

lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices also accepts no liability for any harm or losses caused to the Users by inappropriate use of the Website. This includes no acceptance of liability under any circumstances for downtime, interruptions, malfunctions, or telecommunication errors.


In any case where the Users or any third parties include a hyperlink at any other website that leads to the Website of lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices, it must be understood that:

No full or partial reproduction of any of the Website’s Contents and/or Services is permitted, unless express authorisation has been received from lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices.

No false, inaccurate, or incorrect statements are permitted regarding the Website of lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices or its Contents and/or Services.

Except for the hyperlink, and unless expressly authorised by lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices, the website on which any such hyperlink appears must not contain any elements from this Website, with all such elements understood to be intellectual property that is protected under Spanish law.

Establishing the hyperlink will not imply the existence of any form of relationship between lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices and the owner of the website containing that link, or any recognition or acceptance by lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices of the contents, services and/or activities offered at that website, and vice versa.


lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices, either by its own ownership or as an assignee, holds all intellectual and industrial property rights over the Website, and over all elements it contains (including but not limited to images, sound, audio, video, software, texts, branding, logos, colour combinations, structure, design, selection of materials used, computer programs necessary for its functioning, access, use, etc.). All such elements must therefore be understood as works protected as intellectual property under Spanish law, with the laws existing in Spain and in the European Union being applicable, as well as all international treaties on the subject signed by Spain.

All rights reserved. By virtue of the Spanish Intellectual Property Act (Ley de Propiedad Intelectual), any reproduction, distribution, or public communication of all or any part of the Website’s Contents for commercial purposes, including its modality of presentation and regardless of the medium or technical means used, is prohibited, unless authorisation has been received from lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices.

The Users undertake to refrain from infringing any of the intellectual and industrial property rights of lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices. The Users may view the elements of the Website and print them, copy them, and store them on the hard drives of their computers, or on any other physical medium, provided this is done exclusively for their own personal use. However, the Users will be prohibited from eliminating, altering, or manipulating any of the protective devices or security systems installed in relation to the Website.

If the Users or any third parties believe that any of the Website’s Contents infringe any intellectual property rights, they must immediately notify lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices, using the contact details found in the GENERAL INFORMATION section of the Website’s Legal Notice and General Terms and Conditions of Use.


lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices reserves the right to bring any civil or criminal legal actions it considers necessary in response to any improper use of the Website or its Contents, or in response to any non-compliances with these Terms of Use.

The relationship between the Users and lojit medical, servicios logisticos medical devices is governed by the applicable legislation in force in Spain. If any disputes arise with regard to interpretation and/or application of these Terms of Use, the parties agree to submit those disputes to the jurisdiction of the appropriate courts based on the nature of the dispute, as stipulated by law.

This Legal Notice and General Terms and Conditions of Use document for the Website has been created on 21 February 2024, using the online legal notice and terms of use generator.